Wednesday, October 3, 2007

BQ for LA

Hello Perla,
I had not realized that you were talking about a custom quilt design rather than the edge-to-edge I quoted for you previously. Yes, I can do custom quilting but it requires more time so it is more expensive. The edge-to-edge that I quoted was priced at .01 cent per square inch.

Custom quilting starts at 2 cents a square inch and goes up. I can do a fill in the background. The fill can be stipple, swirls or a McTavish look. I can put feathers in the sashing but I think that the feathers should span both sashing strips rather than having side by side feathers.

Now the blocks. You didn't say what size the blocks are but I have several stencils that might interest you. I use either Miracle chalk or a water-rinsable quilt marking pen. I have never had a client tell me that they had any problems getting the marks off but you need to know that the quilt may have some residual marking until it is rinsed. It must also be kept away from heat until the marks are removed; that includes a hot car.

Here are some possibilities for a 90 x 90 quilt:
These are called Sojourner Truth, Leaf Wreath and Soft Square (left to right)
The price (including the 20% discount) would be $159.47 with poly batting
or with cotton batting $167.23

And here are two which would be 2.5 cents an inch.These are called Hawaiian Fern (left) and feather wreath (right).
Either of these patterns for a 90 x 90 quilt would be $194.38 using Poly batting;
with cotton batting $204.07.

Race cars and 9-patch

Hi Lori,
I have seen your race car quilt. It is so cute. I have some ideas for you.

I can quilt alternating square spirals and round spirals and do a simple wave border.

Or I can do one of these pantos:

Check and Chase



Spiral path

or Hot Rod

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Hi Lori,
Here are some patterns for you to consider for the pink Crazy 9 Patch.

Butterfly charm - I have done this one on a few quilts. I also have a sweet little butterfly border.

Alfresco - I just used this on a little girl's quilt, it quilts up nicely.

Trellis Vine - This one is new. You can see the diamond-shaped trellis entwined with vines and leaves.

Petaline - big rolling flowers

Wandering Daisies - this is all hearts and flowers. I used this pattern on one of Mary Carr's grand-daughter quilts.

And I know that you will recognize Tulip Festival.

We discussed using Warm and Natural batting with pink (not hot pink) thread.
The price for any of these including the batting and tax is $47.14. Call
me on my cell 760-504-6285 if you like one of these. I have more if none
of these tickle your fancy.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Here is a picture of that Dino Jungle panto by Hermione Agee. This is a pattern of a Stegosaurus and Triceratops walking thru a lush jungle.

The pattern in red ink is to help interlocking the pattern together.

Or if you would prefer, I can do an all-over meander with some outlining of the dino family scenes.

The price for either of these quilting service, with Warm and White cotton batting and royal blue thread would be $ 69.66
((43 * 76) * .013) + $16 (batt) + $5.00 (thread) = $64.65 + 5.01(tax)= 69.66

Call me at 787-9709 and leave a message

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Callie's Lasagna quilt

Hi Callie,
I took a look at your quilt. Looking at the fabric on the front and back, I think a holiday red color thread is going to look great on your quilt. I have two holiday quilting patterns in mind that I would like you to take a look at. Either pattern will give you quilt some good texture. Holly Horse is on the left and Holly Bells is on the right.

You also need to decide if you want a cotton batting or a poly batting. Cotton is more natural and more expensive. Something else to consider is that a flannel quilt starts off being a bit heavy, adding cotton batting will add to that.

Quilting edge to edge using either pattern, this is how the costs break out.

Using cotton batting: $113.54
Using poly batting: $102.76

Treating the border as a separate part of the quilt takes more time and would add about $20 to the price of the quilt. I could put in a holly leaf or hobby horse (stich horse) border with some loops.

Give me a call when you decide, 760-315-3299. If I hear from you by Monday afternoon, I think that I can have the quilt ready by Thursday, Friday at the latest.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Hi Lori,
I have looked at the quilt. I was eyeing those batik packs at the Crazy 9 Patch. They are so blue, reminds me of Hawaii or Bali. Really tropical. The white fabric that you chose is a natural fit for those batiks. I noticed that the white fabric has bubbles and some tropical fish in it. So putting those two ideas togehter, I came up with some edge to edge patterns that might interest you. Click on the patterns to see them more clearly.

This is actually 2 different patterns. Both are light patterns with waves, bubbles, fish and a seahorse. The top one is called Seashells; there is coral, starfish, and several shells in there. This is also a light pattern.

The bottom is Seascape. This one has seahorse, fish, seaweed and bubbles.

This one is called Sea Fantasy. It's a mermaid and seaweed. I thought it might be fun to use one of the other patterns for most of the quilt and then quilt a mermaid in on the bottom or tuck her in someplace and see if anybody notices her.

And one more. This one is more densely quilted. It has several seashells, sand dollars and starfish. It is called Simply Seashells.

I need to know if you want cotton or poly (fluffy) batting. I was thinking that a King Tut cotton thread with some blues would be pretty. Ther is a thread called Mirage which is pale and medium blues. Another King Tut thread, called DeNile has blues, aquas and some green. Then there is a Signature cottom thread called Island Waters which is also very tropical. It has more green than the other two. Here are some not so wonder pictures. Computer resolution plays tricks on us, too so consider that. I think that the KT DeNile is a stunning thread; it is bolder than the Mirage color thread. The Signature is also nie, the photo is small, sorry.

The quilt measures 91 x 101. The price on any of these edge to edge patterns is $169.88 (including batt, thread and tax).

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Jenny's Butterflies

Ok, Jenny, here are a couple more choices for your edge-to-edge quilting on the 2 quilts. Take a look and tell em if one of these looks good to you. I have more...

This one is called Wandering Daisies:

This one is Petaline:

And this one is Tulip Festival:

These quilts are so fun. I love the pattern. And the colors are
light a summer day, all bright and cheerful.

I pieced the backings for you. One of these days I'm going to show you how easy it is to piece a backing. It isn't hard, just a bit time-consuming. But Martha's method makes it simple and fool-proof. I could not make the butterfly backing fit for both quilts so I will use the butterfly backing on Quilt B per your request and put the other backing, the floral on Quilt A.

I have a pretty pattern called Butterfly Charm that I think might look good on these quilts. Check out the photo. I think at since the quilts are so small, an edge-to-edge quilt pattern would look best. Or I can treat the borders separately, if you want but that will make the quilting more expensive. It would be an additional $20 per quilt to quilt the borders separately.

Or I can do a free-motion butterfly-loop-flower-heart-shaped leaf pattern all over.

I thought that a bright green thread would look good on top. I have one called Gatsby Green that looks great. Or I can tone it down with a natural white thread on top. They both look good on the quilt tops. I'll put a coordinating thread on the back to blend with the fabric. Since I will be using the same thread on both quilts, I will only charge one thread charge of $5.00

Batting - I have some fluffy Dream Angel poly that is fire-retardant. That would be $9 per quilt. I also have cotton if you are looking for a thinner natural feel. Cotton batting is a bit more expensive at $10.

I have about 5 quilts ahead of you so I probably won't get to them for about 2-3 weeks. I priced those out at about $46 each. The total came to $91.34 for an edge to edge pattern with batting, thread and tax included.

Give me a call or send me an email with you decisions. If you want to come over and look at the thread of make another selection, give me a buzz. I get home about 6 PM.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Special quilt

Please notice that the photo of your quilt is now hidden. Above you should see 2 photos. You may recognize this quilt, it is Janean's. The reason for the two photos of the same border is because the cream thread is hard to see in the light photo; but it shows up very well in the no-flash photo. Each swag is about 3" wide so they can be layered to cover different sized borders. Maybe only two swags on the narrow side borders but 3 swags on the wider top/bottom borders.

Then the 9-patches would be filled with different sized spirals. Using the spirals means that stitch-in-the-ditch is not necessary because the corners will be secured by the spirals.

The white blocks will have (you must choose one)
--Wavy lines between 'entries' or
--Scallops around the block about an inch away from the blue stitched lines

We didn't discuss the thread color. (you must choose one)
I think that a parchment (off-white) would look good in both styles of blocks. Or.....
You might also like a variegated thread. The soft touch is a King Tut cotton thread in light blue tones (see left photo). Or if you want some sparkle, there is the Rainbows color named Panache (photo on the right) which is variegated dark blue, yellow, medium blue and gold.

Call and leave a messge with the thread color and your choice (scallop or wavy line) for the white blocks. And if the swags are what you want for the borders.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Sarah's Song

Hi Lori,

Take a look at some of these ideas. If none of these are what you envision, we'll try some other ideas until we find one that you like. Let me say first, that this quilt has well-defined blocks and a cohesive color scheme. A regimented design such as big zigzag, cross-hatching or Baptist Fans would both harden and detract from the clean design of this quilt and would not do it justice. I think it would look good with feathers, formal or playful but definitely something rounded.

I'm thinking turquoise thread. I have about 6 or 7 different shades of turquoise. Because of the contrast between the dark and the light fabrics, I would feel better if you decide which thread you prefer. The thread is going to show, either in the dark or the light. I can bring all the blue candidates and the quilt to the quilt shop sometime on Saturday if that works for you. We can decide on the borders after we figure out the design for the field.

I have four suggestions for allover quilting. I am leaning toward the Waterworld or Spiral Path. The circles seem to give an element of contrast to the squares in the blocks. The cost for any of these is
$131.21 (includes batting, thread and tax)

Left is Spiral Path; On the right is Tulip Festival

Waterworld on the left. Featheration on the right.

Custom Quilting:
These designs are custom with placement of the motifs inside the blocks and setting triangles. I agree with you that a simple design rather than several motifs is the best approach for this quilt. I propose two designs alternating between the two block designs pictured below. The feathers here are more playful but I believe that formal feathers in a wreath design with a different alternating motif would also look good. The fun feathers would go in the light blue and the spirals swirls would go in the blue on blue block. Each separate block would have to stitched in the ditch (SID) to prevent unwanted puffiness in the corners that would detract from the design. I didn't have a chance to get a photo of the formal feather wreath. If you are intersted, please let me know. This type of design would be $172.93 (including batt, thread and tax).

Fun feathers on the left: Swirls on the right

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Chinese Lanterns

Hey Jody,
How about putting these dragons in the top and bottom borders of your Chinese Lanterns quilt? There are 3 photos; the dragon, the dragon head, and the dragon breath. They can be resized to fit your border; maybe one on the top left border facing right; and another on the bottom right border facing left; like dueling dragons.