I recommend that the borders have continuous borders of evergreen trees.

The cornerstones of the border could contain one of the moose designs. The patterns will face inward. Choose one design.

The green triangles are small but a single pine cone would look good in there. If you prefer a less complex design, something geometric like a simple triangle about an inch inside the triangle would also look good.

The larger setting triangles could also have a plain triangle. However, if the pine cone was selected for the green triangles then a pine cone and needle spray would be a nice repeat of that design.

Then in the pieced blocks, a simple continuous curve would stabilize the block. Or a 4-oak leaf design would also stabilize those blocks.

In the plain blocks, there are three choices for designs. I would choose one, maybe 2 for these designs for these blocks. The designs can be flipped, usually facing inward. Moose with pussywillow, moose facing front, bear walking are the choices. Choose one.

The final cost of this custom quilt would be $65.76 which includes the quilting, thread fee and required state tax. Please send me an email with your choices. My email address is: linda@ramona-quilter.com