I have never seen a quilt like this, Lori. It is so unique with all those 1-inch pieces of plaid, you must have worked very hard to make this. I kicked around a few ideas and came up with two options, well, really three options.

Option 1 is called swirls. Because of all the straight lines on this quilt, I wanted to soften those hard lines with circles or swirls. I have an example of swirls here. This all-over pattern makes wonderful connected swirls (some big and some small) all-over the quilt. This option would cost $185.03 (includes quilting, batting, thread and tax)

Option 2 is full custom. Starting with a square spiral inside each of those plaid sections, it would weave its way out of the middle of the plaid blocks. The sashing would consist of a line of circles surrounded by a wavy line on each side. The inner border (plaids) would be 2 wavy lines to carry that wavy line out to the border. Keeping with the softening theme, the outer border would be half circles that intersect each other all the way around the quilt. This option would cost $277.66 (includes quilting, batting, thread, and tax)
Option 3 is I return the quilt to you. You might be able to find somebody else with a different idea and pricing.
If you want me to quilt this, then it can be ready July 19th or sooner. We just moved and I am starting to work on my backlog. Let me know what you decide.
Ramona Quilter